Fruits of the Spirit

Which way will we demonstrate the fruit of the Spirit today?
Gal 5:22,23. These definitions come from the curriculum of Reformers Unanimous, a Christ-centered addiction recovery ministry. For more information, check
LOVE--willing sacrificial giving of oneself for benefit of others without thought of return.
JOY--cheerful calm delight in all of life's circumstances.
PEACE--safe from harm in spirit, mind, and body.
LONGSUFFERING--enduring temperament that expresses itself in patience with others.
GENTLENESS--softness in manners.
GOODNESS--conforming our lives and conversations to behave benevolently toward others.
FAITH--personal confidence in what God has done and will do in, through, and for us.
MEEKNESS--ability to negotiate among others without causing friction.
TEMPERENCE--Spirit control in all experiences.
SELF-LOVE--giving of oneself for benefit of others with selfish thoughts of return.
FRUSTRATION--rejection or unhappy refusal in life's circumstances
WORRY--living in fear of harm in spirit, mind, and body.
QUICK-TEMPERED--irritibility that negatively excites passions.
HARSHNESS--roughness in manner, temper, words.
MEANNESS--refusal to be liberal with charity, thus avoiding personal expense.
DOUBT--attitude of unbelief, characterized by rebellion and disobedience to God.
DISCORD--disagreement which produces angry passions, contests, disputes, litigation, war.
SELF-INDULGENCE--self control ceases to control self.
We have the choice. But if you are honest, like I am, we find ourselves more content with self-righteousness than we do with His righteousness.
Lord, help us today to bear the kind of fruit of the Spirit that exalts God's righteousness. Help me, too, as I try to bear Your fruit and not the fruit of self-righteousness. In Jesus name Amen.


Unknown said…
It is Fruit of the Spirit, not fruits

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